Frequently Asked Questions

The HOTbox Detox is a holistic, doctor-created lifestyle transformation program for professional women that guides your journey to optimal health and wellness. This program includes one-on-one coaching and customized healing toolboxes to help you reach your goals in less than 90 days.

Your body is your temple! And "healing your temple" involves resolving trauma by achieving and maintaining optimal health and wellness. We help you transform every part of you including your body, mind, and spirit in less than 90 days. 

Healing is the ultimate self-care! Trauma can create chaos in your life if not properly healed. Healing restores health and wellness by breaking toxic cycles of thinking and behavior to transform you mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and more.Healing helps you gain clarity, build confidence and live life with purpose. 


Unresolved trauma can create chaos in your life. Without guidance, healing can take 5, 10, or even 20 years. And some people NEVER heal. The HOTbox Detox can reduce transformation time to less than 90 days. By dividing the healing journey into categories, step-by-step coaching allow you to master each phase quickly.

If you have unresolved trauma, then you need to heal. Heartache after a breakup, childhood mistreatment, and loss of income are examples of traumatic events. You can also take the Toxicity Quiz to further evaluate where you are on your healing journey. 


Please send an e-mail to our support team at and we'll aim to respond within 24 hours.